Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The "Norm"

I read the poem Woodstock
When entering adulthood everyone around asks to know the layout of your plan. You give them a fuzzy outline to satisfy there curiosity and the give you a million corrections and suggestions that fly right past your head. Everyone has a different idea for your plan, and your vision is easily pushed aside.

There is a norm that everyone follows and when someone diverts from that path they are looked at differently. Most of the time in a negative way but some in a good way. The fear of being judged because you didn't follow the norm drives people to take a path that isn't them.

A big part in growing up is making mistakes, and following your dreams. I think more people need to experiment with the path they in vision for themselves no matter what. If someone tears you down you get right back up. Following your dreams is the road to finding who you are, and the time taken for that is more important than a specific path the world has engraved in you to take. The fear of failing conquers the importance of finding yourself and that is the most terrifying thought.

Maddie Rzeppa

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